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Three Steps for Effective Motion Control

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

A New Way of Motion Control
Motion control seems easy

When looking for new ways to control motion applications, machine builders and plant commissioning engineers need easy-to-program equipment, complete with system simulation capabilities, integrated safety, and built-in diagnostics.

With the facilities provided by today’s motion control equipment, they can follow a three-step process:

1. Graphically configure the drive

2. Select the motion functions using technology objects

3. Program PLCs with open and proven machine libraries

The technology objects handle motion control as well as closed-loop control and diagnosis of the axes. Proven application libraries are available for download, together with ready-to-apply function blocks from a comprehensive online library, including cams, cross-cutters, gears, flying saw, jog path, load sharing, positioning, rotary knife, splice control, synchronism and more.


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